Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lifeline Ministry Update

TC Pool Bash 2012'
This weekend we will be having the third annual "TC Pool Bash-Fellowship." This is a time that we have all the guys from Teen challenge over to our home- opening up our back yard and pool to bless the guys with a time of swimming, fellowship, yard games and some good eats. But not only that, we will be having a time of Worship together and getting into the Word of God. This is always a great time around these brothers.

So we are looking forward to some good fellowship and a time of speaking into these guys lives. Most of these brothers will be having a break soon in which they will be going home over the fourth of July holiday and it will be testing times for these guys as they will be facing temptations. Please keep them in your prayers. Pray that they remain strong  in Christ as they are challenged.

June 14th Outreach
At our last outreach (June 14th at the Mission Thrift Store) we connected with a man who was living out of his van. He was open to talk to us about his spiritual condition in which he testified of his recent conversion to trust in and make Jesus his Lord. He also shared his financial struggles as he had made some pro choices but he is attempting to get back on track.

We helped him and prayed for him at the outreach as we put some gas in his vehicle and we gave him some leads on jobs that we knew were possibly available. Well some good news, he got a job and he starts very soon. But this job requires steel toed boots. So, we are in the process of getting this brother, who is willing to work and attempting to get his life in order, some boots. If anyone would like to contribute toward this please contact me. the cost for these boots, we are estimating, will be around $70.00 Currently there are three of us who are splitting the cost of this, so any amount toward this would be a blessing. Please keep this man in prayer,  his name is Jason. We see so many guys like Jason struggling and trying to get their life back in order. Thanks so much.

Next Block Party Outreach is July 19th
Our next outreach will be July 19th in Dunlap, Indiana.One of our faithful comrades on the Lifeline team, Frankie Phillips, has had this outreach on his heart for a while now- because this is where Frankie lives, this is his neighbor hood. Frankie lives on Himebaugh Ave. This is an older neighborhood with lots of needy people and we are excited to be ministering the love of Christ to them.

There are many children that live in these neighborhoods. So we are planning to have a bounce house along with face painting and balloons, free hotdogs, grill cheese and live music. Another cool thing that has happened, we have connected with a local Church (Sunny Side Baptist) in the area, they will be assisting us and they have a small motorized kiddy train. So we will be giving train rides around the neighborhood for the kids. It's really going to be an awesome time.

Day: Saturday July 19th
Time: Noon - 3pm (set up at 10am)
Location: 24099 Himebaugh Ave.

We will have more info on this outreach coming up, but please mark your calendars and plan on coming on out to be part this soul winning event. These outreaches are the "Body of Christ" ministering together, it takes all of us - please pray about being part of something life impacting. Amen.

Thanks for reading this and your prayers.

If anyone would like to contribute to financially- to either the shoes or this up coming outreach, you can give securely through Paypal on top right hand corner on this page (click the "donate" button)
or you can postal mail to:
   Lifeline Outreach Minsitries
   23060 Scottswood Ct.
   Elkhart, IN 46514

Thanks again! God bless!
Steve Ignowski
Lifeline Outreach Ministries

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