Tuesday, June 17, 2014


 Quick update on Saturday's Outreach....
We love the Elkhart Faith Mission and all that they are doing to house and feed the needy, so it was so cool to be setting up one of their empty lots by the thrift store. We called this event "Free Hot Dog Day". All of their customers were invited. We went out on Friday night through the neighborhoods and invited everyone we could- and let me tell you, we had an incredible night of ministering Jesus. There is just something about a Friday night walking the streets in the hood sharing the life changing Gospel. There were several incredible encounters with folks who were just hanging out on their porches and front lawns. We loved on people, we prayed, we shared our testimonies, and we read scriptures that applied to their problems. We were being light in a spiritually dark place and we praise God as several called out to Him and many were brought under conviction.

The Saturday Free Hot Dog Day was awesome! The weather was totally beautiful and so many people came. We gave away four hundred hot dog meals. We testified, we witnessed, and we greeted and loved on all who came. We gave out many free Bibles and Christian books. The Face Painting and balloon ministry crew did an outstanding job loving on all of the children who came.

One Quick testimony from the outreach, we were praying with a family who could not find their money they had set aside for medication for their baby. They were frantically searching their pockets, wallets, purses, etc. They were so discouraged as the baby was ill and they had no other money to purchase the meds. 

We had been talking to and ministering to this family. So as we laid hands on the baby and prayed over the child we also declared that the missing money would be found and accounted for and before we even said,"Amen," the one fellow was looking back through some things at the table, he found the missing $20.00 bill. He was shouting, "We found it! We found it..." We all erupted in joy and praise! Thanking God and praising Him! Amen. It was a great faith builder for this family and those who witnessed this.

Through the course of the day, several people called out unto the Lord during one-on-one witnessing encounters as we engaged with the people who came to the event. Many were broken as they shared their trials. We pointed them to Jesus as we know it is only through Christ that we overcome. We hugged on and loved on all who came, blessing them as we could. It was an awesome time. We were so thankful to lift up Jesus in a tangible way.

A big shout of thanks to all who gave financially to help make event possible, and we are so thankful to all who prayed and interceded as I believe much spiritual seed fell on good soil.

Please check out the pictures below. It is really true that a picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks again!


JULY 19th -Dunlap, Indiana (Himebaugh Ave.)

Steve Ignowski
Lifeline Outreach Founder/Director


It was a steady line of people most of the day!

Logan sharing his Testimony

God answered prayer as this family found the missing $20.00 ...Praise God!
Jason shared his testimony
Face Paining Ministry

Ministering to the Children
Prayers to the hurting

TC brothers praying for a troubled man.
Bro Daniel ministering in music
A blessed family!
Loving on People

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