Friday, January 27, 2012


We had another awesome County Jail service last night!

One of things I am really noticing about these guys who come to the meting is they are really hungry for the things of God. They are so eager to hear and receive the Word. Praise God!

We are really are building some great relationships here at the Jail. This was our fifth meeting and every guy who attended last night has been at previous meetings. I did ask, as I noticed a few guys were missing, one of the brothers said that a few of the guys have moved on to State Prison facilities. So we all prayed and lifted up these guys up who are serving their time at State facilities- trusting God to continue to do his work in their lives.

At last nights meeting there we two of us, myself and Mike Martin, Mike is a brother who has such a passion to serve and minister to the hurting. It was awesome having him with me. Mike spoke on the “Good Samaritan” sharing with the guys the importance of reaching out with mercy and being aware of the hurting right before our eyes. It was a good word and the dialog was great.

I followed up Mike’s message with a message to the guys asking and answering the question, “What is a Disciple of Christ?” I shared from the Word six areas to which we need to examine ourselves and ask ourselves if we really are a disciple of Jesus.

1. Faith in Jesus

2. Continuing in His Word

3. Love One Another

4. Bearing Christian Fruit

5. Denying Ourselves

6. Having an Obedient Heart.

It was good- the guys seemed to really take it to heart. After the meeting we had a great time of prayer and fellowship.

God is definitely doing something in the Elkhart County Jail. Thanks so much for the prayers.

Next Jail meeting is February 9th.

Thanks for reading and praying! God bless!


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