This is the typical housing in the area.
As I reflect on the outreach many things stand out. The music by 'PS150' was anointed ,as usual, we love ministering with these guys. They have such a heart for Jesus and ministry, it is a pleasure being with them.
The whole team of ministers did an outstanding job of loving everyone who attended. We served grilled food, We had face painting for the kids, We played games with the kids, We prayed for and ministering to all people.
Angela and three local ladies enjoy the band PS150
Diana Wood Did a great job with the kids . She was a blessing!
Angela and Trish were serving and showing the love of Jesus!!Many of the team of ministers shared from the Word of God and delivered testimonies between sets of music.. It was awesome!!..Some good preaching!!
Richard shared his testimony (I love this Brother's heart!)
At the very end of the outreach we served the needy people large boxes of groceries and we had some great one on one ministry with them. Each box weighed about 50 Lbs. We were blessed to give 20 boxes of food which adds up to 1000 Lbs of food. PRAISE GOD!!
We prayed with and ministered to everyone who came to receive box of groceries. Many were visibly touched by the Spirit of God and we are continuing to pray for them.
Mike and Trish carrying a food box to a lady's car.
Rich and Debbie Rennier who live in Leiters Ford and operate a food bank for the needy will be following up with those who came. Much after-outreach ministry takes place as the Lord continues to soften hearts and draw people. Debbie will go right to the people's homes and check on them and build relationship with them ministering to the people both naturally and spiritually. Please keep Debbie and Rich in your prayers.
Rich and Debbie Rennier (in the middle)
Here's some more pic's What a blessing Mike, Trish and Matthew are!!
This lady tore it up with a Gospel song!!!
It was a great outreach and many lives were touched!
Jodi and I thank you again for all your prayer and support.
Please pray about coming out and helping minister the Christmas boxes December 8th.
God Bless!!
Steve & Jodi
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