Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Chick Tract -Jail/Outreach Testimony

Quick testimony from last Thursday nights jail meeting:

(It was another incredible meeting) .. I noticed a man sitting in the back who looked somewhat familiar. As we talked after the service, he shared how he remembered us from one of our summer outreaches, at that time he was away from God, he was given one of the "Chick tract's" that I always try to pass out. (those of you who don't know what a Chick tract is, it is a comic book style gospel tract with great artwork and a good job of presenting the Gospel)

I think it was the one called "This is my life" or something like that, anyway, he said after he got home he read it and continued to think about his life and the path he was on...

Yeah, this man did get in trouble with the law and he is in jail..but that is what it took for God to get a hold of him to where he would call out to God and repent...amen.

Since being locked up he has come to know the true God, Jesus Christ and he even told me that he now can laugh at things and smile, he never had any peace and joy before...

Praise God!!.. We serve a real Jesus that changes lives!... Hey, and to think a Gospel chick tract was used to bring some change of thinking to this man!.. Glory to God!!..Keep witnessing Saints!..and don't underestimate a Gospel tract, God uses them....amen..


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