Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ham Outreach Testimonies

We had a great outreach this last Saturday! Thanks for everyone’s prayers and support.

We had a team of sixteen ministers. We gave out eighty hams and Bibles in the Oak Grove Trailer Court in Mishawka. It was a total blessing to be a blessing and pray with so many people. The weather was good considering it was January and the ministry was awesome!

Here’s a few of my testimonies:

I was able to minister to a teenage Hispanic boy who was very thankful for the ham for his family. He said he was Catholic, when I asked him about heaven and why he should be allowed to enter into heaven after he died he did not have an answer. This allowed me to share why Jesus came and how we have to accept him as Lord and Savior. Our faith in Jesus is what merits us heaven. We shared a while with him on heaven and hell and asked if he would accept Jesus as his Savior and Lord. He hesitated, and said not right now. I know it was good seed planted in his heart.

We talked with a man who was jamming on his electric guitar. He allowed us into his trailer and was very openas he listened to us. He shared that he was raised Baptist. It appeard that he wasn’t really walking with the Lord. We exhorted him to get back into fellowship with Jesus, we prayed with him and God was really dealing with him.

We did have an interesting conversation with an older gentlemen who refused the ham and told us he was too old to get his life right with God. He was a very hard and bitter man. I let him know that he was not to old and that God is the only hope he has to make it to heaven. I briefly shared my testimony with him and how Jesus can turn hard hearts around and make them brand new. Even though this gentleman refused the ham he did accept the Bible we offered him. Praise God. We are praying that he will now open it up and read it.

One cool encounter we had was with an old saint named Ava. She used to go to Brother Sumerall’s church many years ago. She was in her eighties and was so joyful and happy to talk to us. We encouraged each other and she was so thankful for the ham. We prayed for her and blessed her.

We had many other awesome conversations with people. So many of the people we talked to were struggling financially and were very thankful for the ham. We encouraged everyone to seek first God and His kingdom and He would provide.

Below are some testimonies from Jennifer Sabin, her and her husband Al are directors/founders of Visions of Praise Ministries. They both have a great heart for souls and an incredible love for Jesus!

It really was a joy to see peoples faces light up and to bring them joy. Al was especially blessed by Stacy accepting Jesus as her personal savior. Gladys was a lady they prayed for that lost her husband from a stroke and her son and she has cancer, going through radiation and other surgeries, she broke down and cried as they ministered the word. There was a fifteen year old girl that was staying with her grandmother, her grandfather has cancer and she had never heard about God, Jesus or the word. We gave her the Bible and she said she'd read it. It was amazing to hear that! They prayed for her and her grandparents. Kathy's sister was a person they stopped in to pray for and Kathy was able to share the love of God. She felt that God would never forgive her for all the bad she'd done. But they encouraged her that God is willing to forgive her. She broke down and Kathy was able to hug and love on her.

Sharon, Liviya, Tereana and I (Jennifer) had many great encounters, several of Amanda, she has kids and is working at Taco Bell, but going to school at Ivy Tech for Nursing and asked for prayer for her finances. We believe God will lift her out of her situation and bless her. We also met a lady named Spring (yes, that was her name!) she wanted prayer for her daughter who left for Carolina (there is a picture of her in the attachment). And an elderly lady that needed healing from bronchitis. We believe that God answers prayer and we will get praise reports.
I have attached pictures. Hope you are encouraged that it makes a difference to reach out and visit those that may never experience God in any other way. We trust the Holy Spirit to work on them and lead them.

Your fellow co-laborers in Christ,
Al & Jenn

Thanks again everyone for your prayers and to everyone who gave financially to the ham outreaches.

Steve & Jodi Ignowski

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