Saturday, December 13, 2008

Awesome Christmas Ham Outreach!

2008 Christmas Outreach team

Today’s outreach was absolutely incredible!

We had nearly forty ministers hit the streets of Elkhart and it was a great day of ministry. We handed out around 250 hams and Bibles. Just about all the people we met we were able to minister to.

Many of the people were laid off and in a financial crisis. They we were so thankful and overwhelmed with joy as we gave them a ham and prayed for them. We laid hands on people in their homes and in their doorways and had great dialog with so many.

It’s difficult to put in writing the blessing it was today to minister and bless people naturally and spiritually. There are so many testimonies that came for this outreach. All glory goes to Jesus!

Thanks everyone for your prayers and giving. We have around fifty hams left over, so we’re planning a additional outreach in another area of Elkhart in January. Thanks again and God bless!!

Steve (Igy)

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