Here’s a Jail Ministry Update From Wednesday July 18
Bro Rich
Rennier and I went in again to cell block 2, to minister the
uncompromised Word of God. Jesus is the solution to these men’s problems. So many of these guys want to be set free and delivered from their vices and strongholds they just don’t know how. Many have tried man’s solutions and the work of the flesh but that never lasts it will only be fleeting and temporary at best. Only Jesus and faith in the resurrected King can bring true freedom that these men desire. Our prayer as always, as we enter this cell, is to be lead of the Spirit of God, for Him to lead us to the right individuals to share this life changing Gospel.
This particular cell block, along with the whole jail, is way over crowded. Men are laying on mats in the living areas just waiting for a bunk to open up in the individual cells. This cell block has 20 individual cells in it, each cells has 2 bunks. So 40 is capacity in this block and I’d estimated 70 to 80 guys were in this cell block. Many-many of these men are repeat offenders. There is constant turn over in the jail, many get locked up for short term sentences, others are waiting sentencing to then be moved to a state facility, in any regard the harvest is truly plentiful and yes- the laborers are very few.
As we walk into the cell block many are playing cards, the TV is on, guys are grouped together some are doing push-ups and pull-ups, others are taking showers or on the phone, some are just sitting aimlessly looking at the ceiling, some are crashed in their individual cells reading or talking to one another. Usually ever head turns and everyone is checking out who just walked in. We enter in and begin to greet the guys and start engaging them in conversation.
Rich grouped up with a few guys at one table and I went and found Josh, the guy who I had prayed with last week who surrendered his life to the Lord. I joined Josh and two other guys, John and Ron at a table and I began talking and ministering to them.
Ron shared how he recently came back to the Lord, as he was into drugs and rebellion running from God and his problems. He believes that God is using this time in jail as a “wake-up” call to get his attention. I believe he is right on and we discussed that in detail.
Josh shared his struggle with his thought life. He knows he has accepted Jesus and Lord and he still is puzzled why he has evil and even ungodly thoughts. I shared with him how it is not uncommon at all to have evil and ungodly thoughts. But, I shared from the Word, on what God has to say about how were to think and
our role in regards to casting evil thought down. (2 Cor. 10:4,5) We discussed that for quit a while.
John, the third guy at the table, was lost and away from God. He shared after much listening to us, how his Grandma always is telling him to get his life right with the Lord. This was Johns fourth time locked up. He shared with us how he desires to change and be set free from the drugs and bondage's in his life.
I took the next hour and half sharing with John the Good news of the Gospel and eternal Judgment to come. I shared what it really means to receive Jesus, how receiving Jesus is more than an “add-on” it not a “get your ticket punched, now I’ll go live like hell.” No –No it’s a serious thing with a cost involved. (Luke 14:28-33) So I shared and the Holy Spirit drew John to saving faith in Jesus!! We prayed and John accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior!! Praise God!! Please keep these guys in your prayers well, really, keep all of these men in your prayers.
Rich said he had an awesome time ministering to the guys at his table. One thing he kept noticing was the number of guys would come by and look like that wanted to join in to the group or want to ask something, but would then walk off. This tells me that there is a enormous hunger going on with these inmates to hear the truth and be delivered. Many would linger by slowly and listen to us as we ministered.
Please, please pray for these guys and if you desire to get involved in Jail ministry please call me. We could have easily had several groups minister in just this one cell block.
**Remember the outreach Saturday, July 28
th with band PS-150, we will be ministering to the people and giving free
groceries out!! Please pray and if you would like to be part of this contact me.
God bless!
IgnowskiLife Line Outreach Ministries
Outreach_lifeline@yahoo.comHome: 574-264-9907
Cell: 574-612-0555