Sunday, May 17, 2015

June 6th Outreach and Upcoming Street Ministry

Please mark your calendars for the upcoming outreach and street ministry.

24099 Himebaugh Ave. (near the Concord Mall)
June 6th will be the first block party outreach of the year. We will be ministering and sharing the love of Jesus in a very needy area. Last years outreach at this location was incredible and we are excited for this years event!

Day: Saturday June 6th
Time: Noon - 3pm (set up at 10am)
Location: 24099 Himebaugh Ave

Sharing Jesus!- The only way to heaven!
We will be ministering in the neighborhoods (Street Ministry) going door to door, offering prayer, sharing the Gospel and inviting people to the block party outreach on these dates: 
Friday May 29th at 6pm
Monday June 1st at 6pm
Friday June 5th at 6pm 
*We will meet at the outreach location-24099 Himebaugh Ave.

Please pray about being a part of these events. Contact me if you have any questions. 
Thanks everyone!

Steve Ignowski
180 Outreach Ministries

Friday, May 8, 2015

A Shout Of Thanks!!

I want to give a big shout out of thanks! to all who gave toward the purchase of the new canopy tents and tables for the outreaches. We were able to get three new 12X12 tents and six new 6 foot tables...We will also be purchasing some new Bibles and tracts.

We are excited about the coming block party outreaches- please see the schedule below.

We will be hitting the streets/neighborhoods May29th, June 1st, and June 5th going door to door evangelizing, offering prayer and inviting folk to the 1st outreach on June 6th. Please pray about coming out with us. We minister as a team. God bless!

Thanks again!
Steve Ignowski

180 Outreach Ministries

Block Party Outreach Dates for 2015:
            June 6th   Block Party Outreach -[Himbaugh Ave. Dunlap, IN]
            July 18th   Block Party Outreach [Langle Park, Elkhart]
            August 29th   Block Party Outreach [Elkhart, IN]
            (All outreaches start at Noon- we set up at 10am)