Sunday, August 19, 2012

Outreach Youth Video: "Set Me Free!"

Here is the video the youth ministered at the Broadmore block-party. Totally awesome!
To God be the glory!



A shout of thanks to all who served, gave, prayed and sacrificed to make this outreach possible.  We had a great turnout! The staff of Broadmore estimated that we had at least 50% of the park show up for the event, which is very good. We served up and blessed the folk with over one hundred  grilled chesses sandwiches  and we served over two hundred hotdogs! The food crew did an outstanding job!!

By the way, a big shout of thanks to Angel, Shelly and the team of Braodmore for all their help assisting us to make this block-party possible. You guys are a blessing!!

The purpose of these outreaches is to show the love of Christ. To witnessing Jesus, not only in word, but also blessing individuals with tangible substance- showing servant hood, showing love- from the  live music, to serving them a meal, offering a Bible, loving on their children We are the hands, the feet, the mouth piece for Jesus.  The Bible says “love never fails.”  We loved on folk in this outreach, we blessed families, we preached Christ, we prayed for people’s needs and we invited them to reach out and get a hold of Jesus for He is the one they need. Amen.

I want to give a salute and a loud shout “Good Job!” to the youth group of Christ Kingdom Fellowship for their awesome live human video they performed at the outreach! You guys did an incredible job! The people of Broadmore were totally touched by this skit. It is so awesome having these youth serving and ministering at these outreaches.  They bring excitement, passion and zeal- it is so cool having them out sharing Christ!

Please check out the pic’s below. (to view a picture larger, just left click on it).
Thanks for everyone’s prayers and support. God bless!

Steve Ignowski
Lifeline Outreach Ministries

Great turnout as aprox. half the park showed up!

Free Hot dogs, grilled cheeses and more!

Bree ministering in song!

Katherin ministing
The Food crew!... Servants!
Face painting ministry
Sister Dee ministering
Pastor Scott and Brian ministering
Pastor Scott and Dee ministering to a couple
Pastor Jeff and myself sharing the Word with Dean.

Dean prayed and called out to Jesus!
Sharing the Gospel with a young lady
Free Clothing

Blessing the needy!
Wendell & Peggy and Brian helping with the Free Book Table
Awesome youth video

The crowd watch intently

Jesus set us free!!
Pastor Jeff preaching

praying over a couple

Friday, August 17, 2012


A huge shout of thanks!! to all the Lifeline supporters!! We finally we were able  to get our own generator for all all of our ministry events.

Since many of our outreaches are outdoors and we set up in obscure places like empty lots, vacant fields, parking lots, etc. the accessibility to electric is almost nonexistent. A generator allows us to run all the sound equipment, also, if we have a bounce house this provides power for that as well!

We praise the Lord for His provision!

*Also, a big shout of thanks to Al and Jennifer Sabin, of Visions of Praise Ministry for making their generator available the last year or two! God bless you guys!!

Please keep these ministry events in your prayers:
*Tomorrow is our outreach at Broadmore Mobile Home Park in Goshen.
*Tuesday is our first Discipleship meeting at Bashor Home.
*Thursday is Elkhart County Jail.

Thanks so much for reading this and your prayers!!

Steve Ignowski
Lifeline Outreach Ministries

Thursday, August 2, 2012


The August outreach will be at Broadmore Mobile Home Park in Goshen, IN.
Broadmore is located off of State Rd 15 as you head south going into downtown Goshen.

There are over two hundred trailers/mobile homes in this park. The management of the park is excited to be having us come in. I am fired up for the opportunity to connect with the people and the families of Broadmore. This is an awesome opportunity that the Lord has opened for us to minister and show the love of Christ to this community of people! Please be in prayer for an explosion of God’s Spirit to so flood this area that it will be forever changed. Amen!

**We could really use your help on these outreaches- there are many areas to serve and to shine the love of Jesus, from serving food/cooking, face painting, setting up, greeting, etc. Please pray! me with any questions.

A Short Word on Passing out Flyers:
One of the things we have discovered that bring success to these outreaches is the passing out of the flyer invites. We take the time and make the sacrifice to go door to door and personally meet the families, the youth and the children. God has led us to do this and it has had a tremendous impact.

By going door to door, we meet people face to face this allows the love of Christ to flow through us- so we can get to know those we are talking to. We discover their names, we get to know them a little through dialog as the Holy Spirit leads us. This also allows us to personally invite them to the block party as we explain what it is and why we are coming.

These door to door times have also developed into people asking us spiritual questions and sharing prayer needs. Right there on their front porches we have had some of the most powerful times sharing Jesus. I encourage you to please pray about being part of these flyer invites. Are they are sacrifice? Yes. Do they take time and effort? Yes!... But it’s most worth it. These door to door encounters also give people the courage to now step out and come to the block-party- because they now know someone there and they have been personally invited. So please pray about stepping out to assist with the door to door flyer invites. We always go out as a team.

(Broad More Estates Mobile home Park, State Rd 15, Goshen, IN)

Pass Out Flyers:
August 10th  (Friday)   6pm - 8pm
August 13th  (Monday) 6pm - 8pm
August  17th (Friday)    6pm - 8pm

Block Party Outreach:
August  18th (Saturday)    1pm – 4pm
*Set up starts at 10:30 am

Thanks for reading this and your prayers…*Please let me know if you are planning on coming to any of these events or if you have any questions.

Steve Ignowski
Lifeline Outreach Ministries