Todays outreach at South Bend Juvenile Correction went awesome!!
We want to thank everyone who prayed and supported the outreach.
All 128 young men attended the meeting. The Band "PS 150" was incredible as they ministered some great music and testimonies.
We rotated ministers to preach the word between sets of songs and the Holy Spirit was ministering to many individuals!!
(not in picture but attended the outreach: Mike Matrin, Trisch Galbraith, Mat Muday, and Terry Shuff.)
We were able to pass out over 80 Bibles to guys we didnt have one. Praise God!!
Besides the awesome music and preaching that went forth, the altar service was absolutely incredible as at least half of the guys came forward for prayer and ministery from the team. We prayed and layed hands on the young men, many were seeking deleivernce and to know God in a personal way. God was really drawing and touching lives as many young men were weeping and crying out to God!!
So again, thanks everyone for your prayers... I know that much spiritual ground was advanced today and it wouldnt have happend without the prayers of the saints... So thanks so much!! and please keep these young men in your prayers as we continue to go in weekly ministering and descipling these guys. God bless
-Steve Ignowski
Life line Outreach