Thursday, July 10, 2014

Street Ministry Update

Below is short testimony from last night’s street ministry on the streets of Elkhart; myself and three Teen Challenge Students were one of several small groups that headed out to different areas of Elkhart to share the love of Jesus. It is totally awesome to see how god is stirring the whole Ministry Center of Teen challenge in stepping out to share the life changing power of the cross of Christ. I was asked to lead one of these small teams- it was a total privilege. Below is one of our encounters.

7/9/14 Street Report:
We walked up to house where we seen a gal we knew from our last outreach. We greeted her and asked how things were going. She proceeded to share her concern for her father who almost died last week. He “flat lined” at the hospital three times before he revived. Apparently, in his drunken stupor he stumbled and fell hitting his head.

I asked her if we could talk and minister to him. He came out onto the porch. After our initial greetings, he confessed his struggle with alcohol. One of the TC brothers asked him where he thought he would have gone if he had died. Without hesitation he said hell. He proceeded to tell us how at one time he knew the Lord-but by his own poor choices, carnality, and lust of the flesh he went back to a lifestyle of sin.

As we all spoke on the porch all you could see was a shell of man, broken, contrite- he confessed his desire to change, his own words were “alcohol is destroying my life.” We shared Christ with him, that God loved him and desires to know him in a personal way. We shared how God can totally deliver and set him free and keep him free!

 We asked him if him if he would like to come back to the Lord? And just like the prodigal son, who came to himself and went back to the Father- This man, called out God to forgive him, cleanse him and make him new. He prayed for God to give him the power and desire to turn from sin and drunkenness- to be a changed man. Amen.

It was a glorious thing. We all embraced, we all encouraged him, we gave him a new Bible, encouraging him to read it and talk to God. We left him our contact info. We plan on following up with him. Please keep James in your prayers. I’m trusting God to keep him safe.

Steve Ignowski
Lifeline Outreach Ministries

1 comment:

Pattie said...

I am praying for James and for his family.